President’s Message from Rhonda Bentz (January 30th)

Kayla HineNews

Message from the President
Rhonda Bentz
“60 Years of Music!”

Dear Guild Members and Friends,

I hope you were able to attend our January luncheon meeting—we had a full house! The Barbara Cone Award was presented to Mary Ingram for her tireless work as chair of 2024’s Notable Night. Mary’s dedication and boundless enthusiasm inspired her committee to raise an impressive $33,700 in support of the Guild and our mission to support the Greensboro Symphony. Thank you, Mary!

For those of us who have been longtime members, I want to take a moment to remember Cindy Joseph, Guild President from 1980–1981, who recently passed away. Cindy was a devoted member of the Guild, and we extend our deepest condolences to her family and friends.

February brings two exciting concerts. The Classics Concert will take place on February 1 at the Tanger Center, conducted by Christopher Dragon. For a perfect Valentine’s Day celebration, don’t miss the Pops Concert on February 14 at the Tanger Center, featuring America’s Got Talent finalist Daniel Emmet.

March will be a busy month for the Guild. We have a Shopping Day at J. McLaughlin on State Street on March 11, our Annual Event at Steinway Piano on March 12, and the Shoe Party on March 26 and 27.

Our Guilford County school concerts will be held the week of March 17–21, and we encourage you to volunteer for this rewarding experience. Renee Angiulli and Amy Evans will be chairing the concerts with their usual expertise, so please reach out to them if you’re able to help for one or more days.

On a personal note, I will be having knee surgery in January, and my dear friend and President-Elect, Gigi Renaud, will be undergoing hip surgery in February. If you don’t see us around as much, know that we are with you in spirit. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by phone or email if you need anything.


2024-2025 President
Greensboro Symphony Guild
Music Matters!
